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Ophaine's Urban adventures


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Getaway's are cool
I wish all exits where so much fun and challenging as the one I had yesterday!
There was a big festival going on around the location and by the time I had to leave it became really crowded/noisy outside.
One source of noise came from two police helicopters circling exactly above the location.

(100% crop, shot true something like a jalousie)

As I found out later there was also police with a dog at the location which had obviously instructions to observe in the direction where I was hiding.
Trapped and locked from all sides I had not much time left because I had to catch a train, to make it worse it was the last train for that day that could bring me home!
From my hiding point I waited till the police got distracted so I could pass to the big gate where I could climb true, back to the tunnel system so I could reach my exit point.
From my exit point I just had to climb true a small door and climb once more a fence.

Maybe that didn't sound so exiting but trust me it was awesome cool, I had such a big smile on my face that the police almost wanted to question me why I had so much fun


Category: Adventures | Added by: ophaine (2009-09-15)
Views: 594 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Baab  
Nice escape
Luckily they didn't released their dogs biggrin

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